New items on sale, everyday.

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Stop paying full price.

Hundreds of items go on sale every day and we're never notified. With Filch, you’ll never have to spend time sifting through them all again.

Get daily lists of all discounted items from your chosen stores, right in your inbox. No charges, no hassle, no spam.

Stop subscribing to everything, just get Filch.

We are in beta, request access.

Until public access we will be hand-picking our users.



1. If Filch is free, how do you guys make money?

We’ll be partnering with up-and-coming online stores, giving them some visibility through our platform, while also offering attractive discounts to our users.

2. What do you do with my email?

We only use it to send you what we promise – sale updates from your chosen stores. We don’t share it elsewhere, sell it, or spam you. We hate spam, and we hate platforms who misuse signup information.

3. How do I stop receiving emails from Filch?

Just click ‘Unsubscribe’ in any of our emails to you, and we won’t bother you again. Unsubscribing from Filch will delete your email address from our records.

4. I’m looking for more information. How do I get in touch?

You can reach us at